AWS vs Linode: Which Cloud Hosting Service is Better for Small Businesses?

October 05, 2021

AWS vs Linode: Which Cloud Hosting Service is Better for Small Businesses?

Looking for the best cloud hosting service for your small business can be an overwhelming process. With so many options on the market, it's challenging to determine which service is right for your needs. In this post, we'll compare two of the most popular cloud hosting services, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Linode, to help you make an informed decision.

Ease of Use

For many small businesses, simplicity and ease of use are essential features when choosing a cloud hosting service. AWS offers a wide range of services but can be overwhelming for beginners. Linode offers a more straightforward, easy-to-navigate interface and requires less technical knowledge, making it ideal for small businesses who need a simple solution without sacrificing functionality.


Pricing is, of course, a major factor when choosing a cloud hosting service. Linode offers a more affordable pricing structure for small businesses. When comparing the entry-level offerings on the two platforms, Linode offers more storage and a lower price point than AWS.

To provide some context, let's take a look at some numbers. The entry-level plan with Linode offers 1 GB of RAM, 25 GB of SSD storage, 1 TB of transfer, and costs $5 per month. On the other hand, AWS offers the t2.micro instance that comes with 1 GB of RAM, 8 GB of EBS storage, and no outbound data transfer for $9.50 per month.


When it comes to performance, both AWS and Linode offer reliable cloud hosting services. AWS has a more extensive network infrastructure, which can provide better performance for businesses with a more extensive customer base. Still, Linode boasts excellent uptime statistics and performance and is an excellent choice for small businesses that may not require AWS's extensive network capabilities.

Customer Support

Good customer support is another essential feature for small businesses, and both AWS and Linode offer several customer support channels, including email, phone, and online chat. AWS has a more substantial support structure with dedicated account managers, making it an excellent choice for large-scale enterprises. Linode, however, offers a personal touch, with live chat support available 24/7, as well as a helpful community forum.


After comparing AWS and Linode, both services offer excellent cloud hosting solutions for small businesses. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to the specific needs of your business.

If you require more complex services and have a larger budget, AWS may be the better choice. If you're looking for a more affordable, user-friendly option, Linode is an excellent alternative. Whichever service you choose, ensure it aligns with your unique business requirements.


  1. AWS Pricing:
  2. Linode Pricing:
  3. AWS vs Linode: Which Cloud Server is Better for You?:

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